Food for thought

Hello fellow foodies!!
Welcome to the blog dedicated to two of my favorite things: food and travel. A requirement for my Food and Travel Writing Seminar here at Kalamazoo College, I will be updating this site frequently with photos, essays, reading responses, recipes, and reviews. Please feel free to peruse my blog, and leave me comments, suggestions, or feedback. Thanks and happy reading!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Family Photo

I thought it would be fun to see a present-day photo of the author Bich Minh Nguyen, her father, Rosa, and Noi. The link to this photo can be found here


  1. WEIRD! Neat! Thanks for posting this Alaina. Its fun to actually know what they look like.

  2. I also really appreciate the photo! It's nice to put faces to all of the names, but it's kind of fun not knowing what they look like while you're reading because you can imagine whatever you want. Cool!

  3. I knew what she looked like, and it made it difficult for me to see her as an awkward little kid that others called ugly. That's one of the pitfalls of having present-day images from memoirs. But this is cool. Thanks!
