One day in early June 2009, my best friend Laura Bowers and I awoke to find ourselves in a small backpackers hostel in southern Sevilla. We had arrived the day before at my host mother's insistence that we experience true Andalusian culture before moving back to the U.S.
Sevilla es una cuidad preciosa. It's a beautiful city, she had told us.
No se puede faltar. We couldn't miss it.
Sevilla es una cuidad preciosa. It's a beautiful city, she had told us.
No se puede faltar. We couldn't miss it.
Lobo and I were both somewhat hesitant to take another trip as we had just spent a few hundred Euros on a mediocre getaway to Mallorca (three nights of rain, paper thin hotel walls, and British influenced Spanish cuisine was not my idea of fun—although the beaches were absolutely fabulous). Plus, Lobo and I were by no means travel experts. We were just a couple of American teenagers who knew almost nothing about planning economically savvy, culturally engaging, and food friendly trips around Europe. So you can see why we might be hesitant to embark on another Spanish adventure. We preferred to stay right where we were, comfortable in our homes in Barcelona.
But my host mom insisted. Venga. You’ll love Sevilla, she said.
So we went.

The first day was swelteringly hot.
The bright Spanish sun showed no mercy on our white, Midwestern skin as we trudged slowly through the numerous plazas, monumentos, and catedrales. By noon we had soaked through our clothes. We were sunburned, tired, and thirsty. Pulling out a damp, wadded bill from my pocket, I bought us a couple of Coca-Colas from a round, jolly man with a red sidewalk cart. Lobo and I plopped down on a curb in La Plaza de la Encarnación and cracked open our drinks. Sweet syrupy bubbles immediately fizzed over the top dribbling down the sides and onto our fingers. The icy soda seemed to burn my tongue as I sipped it slowly, enjoying each deliciously refreshing pop.

I sighed. Lobo was right. We hadn’t even been here for a full day and we were already dunzo.
The next few days passed in a haze of group tours, expensive tapas, and teaching Lobo to play chess with a board we’d found in our hostel. Although we did make it out to several flamenco shows, which were truly quite impressive, Sevilla, for us, had not lived up to its name. By the time our stay in Andalucia was coming to an end, Lobo and I were more than happy with the thought of going home.
On our last morning in Sevilla, however, Lobo and I decided to get up early determined to give the city one final chance. We meandered through the narrow cobblestone streets, getting lost on purpose among the bright yellow, white, and red buildings. We had been walking for some time and were starting to get hungry when suddenly the narrow path opened up and we were standing in a lush, green garden listening to the gurgling sounds of fresh water trickling through a fountain. On the outskirts of the garden there were little mesitas set up for breakfast, and a smartly dressed waiter pulled out a seat.
Lobo and I looked at each other grinning, then back at the table.
Grácias, I said taking the seat.
The waiter ushered Lobo into the chair opposite me, placed napkins on our laps, and rushed off to prepare the first course.
Lobo and I were in giddy shock. We couldn’t believe we had found this place, this oasis in the middle of nowhere, practically beckoning us to come and enjoy ourselves.
So we did.
Glasses of freshly squeezed orange juice appeared on our table alongside a basket of warm breads bearing buttery, flakey, golden brown croissants, glazed pastries, and toasted sesame rolls so soft, so good that the accompanying dish of homemade marmalade was almost unnecessary. Almost.

Next our entrée arrived. Two perfectly cooked eggs layered over a bed of caramelized onions, and garnished with fresh dill, served with a piece of sweet, orange cantaloupe wrapped in Italian prosciutto. Divine. Delectable. Delightful. These are the words I would use to describe this combination. The eggs were light and fluffy, scrambled to perfection; the onions beautiful, translucent, sweet, yet savory; the cantaloupe was juicy and firm, the fine layer of prosciutto wrapped precisely around the melon giving a kick of sweet, savory, salty goodness in every bite. The meal was divine.
Just as we thought we were finished, our waiter brought out two flutes of bubbly champagne, and cued his compañero to begin playing the harmonica.
Just as we thought we were finished, our waiter brought out two flutes of bubbly champagne, and cued his compañero to begin playing the harmonica.
Lobo and I began to smile, and laugh, and laugh some more, until we were clutching our stomachs so full of good food and happiness that they ached, but we couldn’t stop laughing and the harmonica man kept playing and the fountain kept gurgling, and nothing could mar the perfection or steal the joy from this wonderful, beautiful, preciosa moment in Sevilla.
Beautiful! First off, I loved your ending: ending with a moment of such happiness and bliss left me with a smile. I actually knocked on your door to tell you how much I liked your piece but you aren't home. I'll be listening for you, though. Don't think you can escape me.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed your short, one-word sentences between your long, descriptive ones, but I think by the end it may have gotten overused (especially in such a short piece. I wonder what everyone else thought about it.
I'd love to learn more about your host mother and your friend, Lobo. (What a cute nickname.) How long did you stay in Spain? Why were you there? Also I'm pretty upset about the lack of title, since titles can so easily become my favorite part about a piece.
Your pictures were great, too. Was there a reason you put them all on the right side of the text? Just wondering.
Great job, Alaina. Can't wait to read more later.
I'm not fully convinced of your and Lobo's disappointment with Sevilla--it seems like you saw a lot of cool things! Is there a way to bring this out a little more? Did it just seem like everything else you'd already seen?
ReplyDeleteThe breakfast sounds absolutely heavenly! I'm also a big fan of the ending :) You have such beautiful descriptions of place and food, and the Spanish vocabulary scattered throughout adds a nice touch to the piece.
I agree with Alexis--I'm curious to know more about your host mother and Lobo. I also want to know why you are in Spain in the first place. Also, I was confused that you started with you and Lobo being in the hotel in Sevilla--but you never really get back to that point in time.
Really great job! This was a fun piece to read--and it needs an equally exciting title!
I love everything about the piece! It was wonderful! If you could slip in a little more background that would be awesome too but really great start!
ReplyDeleteThinking about things the way that we workshopped today in class: I would like to know about what your goal for this piece was, and how to accentuate it... and how to do that among the tensions. It was beautifully written... and I love your voice, and how consistently clean and "you" it sounds (in particular between this and your "perfect meal" piece)... but I had trouble pulling out the larger direction of it all.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was reading I didn't feel like I needed more background, though. I wanted more "then vs. now" voice, at points, but I thought that you introduced a few characters and did so with your narrator's perspective in such a way that you didn't really Need more.
I really got lost in this piece... it was easy to sort of travel along with you, and your descriptions pulled me through it at a perfect pace. Really fantastic!
As somebody who is absolutely fascinated by Spain, I loved reading your piece. I appreciated all of the information about Sevilla, the flamenco culture and all. I really enjoyed your vivid description about the Coca-Cola. I honestly thought this was going to be the food element of this piece at first, and I can't say I'd be disappointed with that because it was so beautifully detailed (although what you explain later sounds amazing). I agree that I had a hard time pulling out the main idea(s) of your piece. You write really well so I got lost in your descriptions, but I was left wondering what you were trying to say with this. I'm hesitant to say that I think you need more context...I guess what I would say is that I want to see more of you as a narrator. I think it's so awesome that you're traveling in Spain and I wanted to hear more about why you love the culture/language, I guess?
ReplyDeleteI like the progression in your story. You carry the reader along in your footsteps very well.
ReplyDeleteI loved the ending. That sense of movement (playing, gurgling) and the eternalness of that moment are a great way of ending the piece.
I think you do a good job with character and setting as well, the moment you discover the whole in the wall restaurant are great, good job with interior thought as well.
It might do well to begin with a strong image, description or dialogue. Right now your intro doesn't really grab me, you awaking and finding yourselves in the same place you went to sleep in the last night doesn't really compel any emotion or intrigue. The second half of that paragraph where you explain how you got there flowed very well from the first part of the paragraph. The Spanish and translation next to it works well too.
ReplyDeleteFirst and foremost, great job, it was a fun read! I also loved the use of spanish throughout. I think it definitely added to the story.
I would agree that a little bit more background would add to the piece. Did your host mother give any exciting places for you to visit or did she just send you on your way?
I don’t know much else to advise you on, I agree that the ending is rather perfect and I loved the detail used in describing the food you ate at the breakfast.
Nice work!
Alaina, this is really great, I loved reading it! I agree with Max that the intro doesn't really grab me, but once you arrived in Sevilla I was drawn in by your use of details. You manage to include excellent descriptions of both food and place in this piece.
ReplyDeleteI especially loved the scene with the Coca Cola. You really make the reader feel your exhaustion and the unbearable heat in your use of details like the damp money. It makes that soda, a flavor we are all familiar with, seem crisp and refreshing.
That scene where you stumble upon the restaurant was so great, and the way you ended there left me smiling with you. You are very good and sharing the experience with the reader, its like we're there with you.
Also, nice use of "dunzo!"
Alaina, I really enjoyed reading this piece. I have been craving the sweet burn of a coca-cola for days. You describe the food and setting beautifully in this piece. It ended so quickly [and by that I mean, it flowed so well and was so enjoyable that it flew by]. Your ending was impeccable. Really.
ReplyDeleteIn terms of constructive criticism: I'm not sure that I want more context from you. I don't think I need it. I also am not sure that I need more character development. In a piece this size, I'm just not sure that it's a realistic expectation. But I may be wrong. I guess part of me finds this a bit predictable? I wanted to feel that you weren't enjoying Sevilla. I wanted to wonder what could possibly make it better. With this, I think your piece could be fantastic. Great work, Alaina.
The narration of the trip certainly flows well, we can trully get a good picture of what it was like. It's a good chronicle, definitely.
ReplyDeleteThe separation between paragraphs should be clearer because as it is right now it looks like a 1000 word long single block of text and makes it harder to read. Also, you should revise the use of the spanish words ;)
This is a great start, and really does a good job of telling the story, which in itself is a very fun story. While I found this a very intresting and well written, i did end up wishing you explained a few more of the terms you use, rather then leaving it up to the reader. but beyond that, very nicely done!
ReplyDeleteHey Alaina.
ReplyDeleteThis is a really beautifully constructed piece.
That breakfast sounds beautiful. I'm extremely jealous. Everything flowed very nicely and I could follow along easily.
I did want more about you as a traveller/teenager in this piece. Why were you there? You sound so much more responsible as a teenager than I was.
I completely agree with Alexis that ending on such a blissful not was really inspired and made a graceful finish.
One little tidbit that I wanted a little bit more about was the coca-cola. I loved how you described the syrupy carbonation and how refreshing it was, but I kept thinking you were going to tell us it was made with sugar cane (isn't it made with real sugar in Europe?) If I'm wrong I sorry!